Thank you 2023 Sponsors
Thank you to all who have supported the 2023 parade!
Gold Level

Silver Level

Bronze Level

The MacConnell Family

Journal Ad Sponsors
Thank you to all who have purchased journal ads for this year's parade!
Arch.Bishop Stepinac
Athenry Plumbing
Assemblyman Burdick
Beecher Flooks funeral home
Bernies football
Brazen Fox
Briggs plumbing
BT Flooring solutions
Committee Welcome
Commodore Construction
Daly, Mike & Helen
Donahoe family
Duffy Family
Mary Helen Jordan Duffy
Maura Lynch
Friendly Sons of St.Patrick
​Friends of Amy Paulin
GeraLooser family
Good Counsel Alumnae Association
HealthCare Team
Healy Electric
Houlhan Lawence
Hudson Grill
Hudson Security
Irish dance team
La Bocca
Macconnell family
Maria Regina HS
McCarthy Associates
Nead Electric
Nu-Way cleaners
OLS Mens Club
OLS Parish
Polchinski Memorials
Police retirees
Preferred Mechanical
Prisco Appliance
Scully Constrution
Shelley Mayer Senator
Silverman realty
Sound Air conditioning
St. Gregory Parish
St. Vito Parish
State Farm
Thomas Patterson
Westchester Bus Journal
WP little L Tighe
WP Professional Fire Figh
WP Woman's Club
Yes She Can
Younkin DeJulio families
Brazen Fox/Ron Blacks
Beth ClO'Keeffe Cleary
Ben Boykin
Oliver Engineering, PC
Thank You 2022!
We want to thank all of our sponsors from 2022. Thank you for an amazing year!